Even though in this age of computer technology age, field work using advanced technology is very important for the Higher Secondary students , such an integration of practical application is still in infant stage in any school system of India. All the Higher secondary students must get some training in the field researches in their respective and inter disciplinary fields, he may afterwards apply the principle in other areas also. Even though Field researches involves the minute observation of both the natural
and cultural landscape, it is not conducting properly. Field assessments among students and parents community reveals that even though students are getting traditional mode of education, they are not getting the art of observation skills due to the absence of scientifically trained eye and outlook. Close observation in the school academic system reveals that mere bookish learning based on prescribed text books of the Higher Secondary classes causes a gap between the school, environment, home and community. As a geographer and field researcher in cultural heritage studies, Dr. V. SANALKUMAR, Souhrida Coordinator of Souhrida Club and Career Guidance, Jayakeralam Higher Secondary School has selected six students of Souhrida club from the Plus One Humanities students for a field trip into the wilder forest region of Pooyamkutty at Ernakulam District in Kerala of the Periyar river valley , has brought to light fresh pre historic archaeological discoveries . Students observed the beauty of forest cover, tributaries of Periyar River, types of vegetation, birds and animals in a given ecosystem of Biodiversity zone at Pooyamkutty Forest Cover culture of the study area. And the peculiar features of the distribution patterns of the megalithic mortuary sites are also considered for evaluation.

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