A journey in search of the rebirth of an ancient culture buried centuries ago. A Lance View of Image Gallery and Digital Narrative of Archaeological Expeditions undertaken by Dr. V.Sanalkumar in Kerala.


Job Title and Research Interests: Geography Teacher- Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Field Researches &.Landscape Geography.

Residence (1).119/ 390- A/ Jawahar Nagar, Maruthukavala , Perumbavoor, Ernakulam District (Kochin), Kerala State, India- Pin Code: 683541

(2) Kundukulam House, Nenmeni (PO), Kollengode, Palakkad District, Kerala State- 678506

E-mail: v.sanalkumar@gmail.com

Telephone: 09447874283/ 0484-2592308

Qualifications:    M.A(Geography), M.A (Ancient History), M.Ed (Education); P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Public Relations, MBA ( Human Resources Management and International Trade Management. And , Ph.D (Cultural and Historical Geography).

Awards for Innovative Education, Researches and Services: (1) National Award for best higher Secondary Teacher 2013, (2)   State Award for best higher Secondary Teacher 2012, Indian President’s Scout Award in Service (3) Nominated to the HRD Ministry for the National ICT (Integrated Computer Technology)Teachers Award from Govt of Kerala 2014.

Project Dreams:

  1. Scientific Documentation, Protection and Reconstruction of ruined Heritage Sites and Monuments with field exploration and excavations aiming to promote archaeological awareness and researches on culture.
  2. Spread the message ofNational Integration by awakening regional wise cultural heritage potentials’ to the academic community and general public.
  3. To acquire the status of Heritage Village & Heritage Museum in Palakkad District with setting up of Geo- Heritage Archaeological Research Centre, Meditation and Yoga Practicing Centre.
  4. Conducting Exhibitions in India and Abroad with paper presentation of Photo Gallery, Video collection and Documents of Archaeological discoveries made by Sanalkumar between Palaeolithic and Later Historic Periods.
  5. To engage Post doctoral researches from a reputed foreign University with scholarship, related to the theme of archaeology and culture and to publish more archaeological books about the discoveries.


Sanalkumar became interested in archaeology based cultural and historical geography researches with his vast experiences on field explorations, acquired qualification, scripts and books writings on various themes. Sanalkumar secured BA and MA in Geography with a specialisation of Historical Geography from Government College Chittur , University of Calicut, M.A (Ancient History) from Sam Higgingbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences   Deemed University- Allahabad, B.Ed, (Geography) from the University of Kerala, M.Ed in Education from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla,. SET (State Eligibility Test) in Geography conducted by Government of Kerala, P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Public Relations from School of Communication & Management Studies, Kochi, MBA ( Human Resources Management and International Trade Management from National institute of Business Management, Chennai and in 2012 took Ph.D in Historical Geography from the University of Mysore with the research Topic of ‘ A Geographical Analysis of Ancient Venginadu Kingdom Region of Palakkad District’.

Sanalkumar is presently working as a Geography Faculty Member in a Government Aided Educational Institution in Jayakeralam H.S.S, Pulluvazhi (PO), Ernakulam District, Kerala State. He has also worked as a Geography Faculty Member in St. Joseph Public School, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, UHSS Mambra, Thrissur District, Kerala State and in Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Ernakulam District.

Sanalkumar is having proven creative leadership skills on archaeological field researches, analysis on Historical and cultural Geography research methodology, written Geography Books, presented Research papers in National and International Seminars related to Heritage, Culture and Archaeology and also written cultural heritage scripts for print and electronics medias. Sanalkumar have attended many National and International seminars, few of them with paper presentations – organised by Nanson Environmental Research centre(India), and Norway- research Collaboration on Climatic Change, Deccan Geographers Association,. Pune; The Konkan Geographers, association, Maharashra., Aligargh Muslim University, Mysore University, Mumbai University. Calicut University, Gandhji University, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit – Kalady, Bharathiyar University, Kerala Council for Historical Researches, Directorate of Higher Secondary Education- Government of Kerala etc. Most of the Seminars were organised by Department of Geography and Department of History and Archaeology of the concerned Universities. The seminar topic was related to Climatic Changes, Land Use Pattern, Human Development, Sustainable Growth and Development, Tourism, Heritage, Archaeology, migration, agriculture and water resources. He has also attended several District and State Levels educational training programmes and workshops.

His association with the roles as Director of the Geo-Heritage Archaeological Research Centre, Director of the Galaxy Publications, Honorary Co-ordinator of the Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology, and Sciences- Deemed University, Membership in Sree Narayana Public school, State Vice president of the Kerala Private Higher secondary Teachers’ Association, experience as an elected College Union Chairman and Chief Student’s Magazine editor of Government College Chittur, Editorial board member in Kongan Geographers Association and involvement with several National and International organisations etc, has helped him a lot to acquire the qualities of leadership and organisational skills, research outlook, professional ethics, and familiar with the multicultural working environment and intercultural dialogue have moulded him to undertake any responsibility with visualisation skill, commitment, dedication and output.

Sanalkumar has taken Permanent membership in Kerala Council for Historical research, Nalanda, Thiruvanandapuram; The Konkan Geographers, association, Maharashra, Deccan Geographers Association. Pune and Kerala Geographical Society, Palakkad .

His innovative concept of National Integration by awakening regional wise cultural heritage potentials & the HERITAGE ESSAY Exhibition is the best way to tackle the present day world challenges of hatred religious fundamentalism, ethnical and cultural conflicts.

     Sanalkumar has written several Geography Books, archaeological research papers and Scripts for Video Documentary Films. He is trying to highlight the significance of Indian concept of spirituality Dhyana/ Meditation and Yoga for enriching inner strength and strong mental health. Sanalkumar’s association with anti corruption movements against the looting of public money and denial of natural justice has also received wider public attention and media coverage due to the gravity of issues.

Broad Research Specialism

Sanalkumar as an archaeology based historical and cultural geography researcher has been actively engaged in identifying the geographical and archaeological determinants which played important roles in the development of historical places at Kerala of South India for the last few years shows his exploratory and field research skill.

In Kerala most of our tangible evidences such as archaeological sites, monuments, artefacts, textual sources are in ruins today in a cultural landscape mainly due to the absence of proper identification, documentation and governmental attention. The intangible treasures like memories, traditional knowledge, time- honoured skills are also being neglected due to lack of proper compilations from the fields and its scientific storage. To address these growing threats to our regional level culture and heritages, occasional village to village level field visit conducted by Sanalkumar in the culturally rich native district of Palakkad especially at the tributary zone of the Peraru ( Bharathapuzha) river valley along the foothill region of Vencatamala/ Thenmala of Western Ghat and other selected areas of Kerala State of South India -. This intensive field work has been yielded a large number of fresh prehistoric, early historic, medieval, and later medieval archaeological sites and remains of microliths, cupules, postholes, rock engravings, megaliths, open aired shrines, stone inscriptions, terracotta and stone sculptures, hero stones, buried palace compound with foundation stones, and ruined structures and shrines.

The exclusive finding consists of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Megalithic, and Early –Medieval Later Historical sites, artefacts and evidences datable between 40,000 B.C and 1800 AD (Holocene period (0 – 10,000 BP) and even extends above Oligocene period (above 40,000 BC). The preliminary analysis has also put forward several new theories to the unresolved questions related to seat of ancient kingdom, migration, ancient geographical place names, domestic and foreign trade, invasions and migration.

The major archaeological findings of Sanalkumar obtained from filed researches and surface explorations are given below.

  1. The outcome of the field analysis has provided new insights on the distribution features of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Megalithic and historical remains from Palakkad district .
  2. The field research has exposed the cultural sequence and the material culture datable from pre-historic to late historic periods.
  3. Identified a large number of prehistoric sites of Caves and Natural rock shelters with archaeological discoveries in the Mountain valleys and its foothill ranges.
  4. Discovered Palaeolithic and Mesolithic artefacets with quartz tools of core tools, hand axe, claver, and borer and26 Mesolithic factory sites with microlithic tools of Backed Blade, backed tool, retouched blade, scraper, point tool, flack tool, hammer stone, core tool, core, flacks, chips and chunks .
  5. 27 habitation sites of Neolithic cupules and Post holes on granite flat surfaces and rock shelter in Circular, Square, Rectangular and Linier Pattern .
  6. Identified 12 rock engravings sites of geometrical squares and triangles, which contains one symbol of swastika type and it turns upon form of sun, star or tree symbols and foot prints.
  7. About 25 megalithic burials sites with about 303 burial monuments of granite slab cists, granite dolmenoied cist and Urn burials.
  8. Terracotta figurines of animal and human figures are found on 8 sites from the compound of the open shrines.
  9. About 12 stone and wall inscriptions of early and late medieval periods on Vattezhuthu, early Tamil, Thelungu and Malayalam characters were identified.
  10. About 16 Open aired Shrines of Dravidian worship centres.
  11. .Structural shrines and monuments consists of a ruined palace compound, 42 ruined square shaped shrines and 17 circular shaped shrines and an apsidal shaped shrine, most of them are in ruined and partially renovated shrines with historical remains from a river valley.
  12. Stone sculptures of animal figures, hero stones, sati stone, sages, devotee sculptures, dancing figures, cude, and idols numbering more than 100 have been identified and documented from the premises of shrines. Sculptures on Monolithic Pillars, temple structures are also found from this region.
  13. Early and later Indian coins and Persian coins, rings beside the authors’ findings of Ponpanams.
  14. Identification of different ethnical Caste groups prevalent during Neolithic, Megalithic and Historical periods, ancient foreign and domestic trade centres.
  15. The identity of several ancient geographical place names mentioned in foreign classical literatures and ancient Tamil literatures of Sangam and Post Sangam periods.
  16. Archaeologically significant other Sites scattered in different parts of Kerala

New Theories related to Kerala history:  

  1. New Theory about the Ancient Hub/ Seat of Porainadu ( 1000 B.C- 300 A.D) of ancient South Indian Tamizhakam.
  2. New theory about the Geographical identity of the Chera Capital Vanci /Vanji (300 A. D -800 A.D).
  3. New theory about the origin of the Malayalam Calendar year Kollam Era (825 A.D).
  4. New theories of   migration due to pull and push effects and Invasions .

Vision and Action Plans for Excavation, Protection and Reconstruction: Even though as per Sanalkumar’s requests to Kerala Government, the Department of State Archaeology conducted megalithic, well excavations and stratigraphy excavation on two occasions with limited funds, these archaeologically significant cultural sites and structures requires urgent attention in the following areas.

  1. The interior of the prehistoric caves and natural rock shelters requires further scientific studies with the help of modern equipments and experts to unearth more archaeological artefacts of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic and Neolithic evidences. Few of the caves are having about 500 metres of length and require assistance.
  2. The cupules and the habitation sites of Neolithic Post holes on granite flat surfaces and rock shelters, most of them with rock engravings require further scientific studies and protection.
  3. The discovered megalithic burial monuments of granite slab cists, granite dolmenoied cist and Urn burials are completely in ruined stage in the valley region due to human encroachment and quarrying. Conducting mega excavation will surely yield more artifacts and identification of megalithic habitation zone with an ancient trade center and trade route.
  4. Even though foundation stones of a palace compound (still in buried form), terracotta and stone animal sculptures, stone inscription, hero stones, idols, old Indian and foreign coins, Chera period buried stone well and 8th century ruined stone shrines were documented by the surface exploration in the premises of a Palace Compound (seat of Venkundranadu – prevailed after 3rd Century AD) this area has not yet protected and have enough scope for a mega excavation.
  5. ruined palace compound, destroyed open aired and structural shrines required urgent protection and renovation. Most of them are found in deserted form in a ghost town. Excavations at the peripheries will surely be unearthed more stone inscriptions, ruined fort, coins and medieval periods habitation sites.
  6. The Stone sculptures numbering more than 100 are found in the premises of ruined shrines complex, and in isolated deserted form. These rare sculptures require careful protection and safety from looting.
  7. Digitalised archiving, preparation of Historical Atlas and Compilation archaeological findings from field surveys needed with financial assistance.
  8. The ruined archaeological sites and monuments could be reconstructed and renovated to restore its previous positions to preserve the lost culture and civilization of this region for the future generation. It is recommended that all the natural rock shelters and caves of the prehistoric habitation sites found on the mountain valley and hillocks can be well maintained.
  9. A large number of primitive ethnical and caste groups still prevalent here and it provides enough scope for anthropological studies.
  10. These preliminary findings of Sanalkumar open new vista for inter disciplinary studies in the areas of archaeology, cultural geography, anthropology etc.
  11. Setting up of an Archaeological Heritage Museum in the Palace Compound (Kovilakam Parambu) of Nenmeni,or nearby Viruthi with a divine Yoga and meditation Here can present the evidences of all the archaeological discoveries along with a collections of Photos and Video Gallery for further researches along with providing practice on Indian concept on Yoga and meditation.
  12. Development of Geo Heritage Archaeological Research Centre to engage genuine interdisciplinary field researches,   documentation, publications, and create plat from for developing cultural landscape of a ghost town   for the benefits of the Academic Community and General Public.
  13. With a systematic action plans and project, this ghost town area can be develop a major centre of heritage tourism, adventurous tourism , eco tourism, meditation/yoga centre and can able to attract a large number of domestic and foreign visitors as a model heritage village.
  14. Comparative studies reveal that the significance of Kollengode heritage dream project at Palakkad District is greater importance and potential than the Pattanam Muziris Heritage Project of Ernakulam and Thrissur districts -where more than Rs 1500/- core investment is made only for reconstruction of the recent buildings, roads and archaeological sites and cultural monuments of about 100-200 years old . The pattanam stratigraphy/trench excavation were conducted in private land and the site has buried after the excavation and no visible monuments can be found. Even though a large number of early historic period’s Indian and foreign archaeological artefacts ‘ most of them are pottery pieces were excavated by trench excavation from the thickly populated settlement sites, all these sites were refilled with mud and the visitors did not able to found direct archaeological monuments.

Whereas in Ghost town areas of Palakkad District all the archaeological monuments and remains from Palaeolithic to Later Historic Periods with continuous chronological evolution can be found in the foot hill region of picturesque valley of Thenmala (Southern Mountain)/ Venkatam Hill. If such a heritage project is initiating in Palakkad District with the setting up of a Heritage Village concept, by protecting visible prehistoric caves, capsules, post holes, rock shelters, rock engravings, palace compound, forts, hero stones, ruined shrines, it will attract National and International   attention. It will open wider scope for Mega Excavation.




The following Five Project works submitted to the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, New Delhi during the year-2014.

  1. Video Gallery- A Digital Narrative of Archaeological Expeditions of Palakkad District Kerala into the   Periods from Palaeolithic to Historic undertaken by Dr. V.Sanalkumar,. 2014, V.Sanalkumar,
  2. A Journey into Past –   –A Digital Gallery of Images and Maps related to Palakkad’s Past dating from Palaeolithic to Historic Periods, 2014, V.Sanalkumar,
  3. 3. Through the Corridor of Time– A Compendium of Media Reports on the Archaeological Expeditions undertaken by Dr.V.SANALKUMAR, .
  4. 4. A Heritage EssayA Lance View of Image Gallery Exhibition of   Historical Discoveries made by Dr. V.Sanalkumar, 2014,
  5. 5. work on Social Science Documents – Selected Collections of Geography and History Textual References and Research Articles prepared by Dr. V.Sanalkumar for the problem solving, 2014, V.Sanalkumar,
  6. Rock engravings discovered near Palakkad
  7. Call to set up heritage village at Kollengode
  8. Focus on heritage value of Kollengode
  9. Demand for heritage village scheme in Kollengode
  10. Prehistoric sites discovered at Kollengode
  11. Focus on heritage value of Kollengode
  12. Taking apart a precious past in Palakkad, cist by cist
  13. Remains suggest Neolithic settlements in river valley
  14. INDE : ‘Megalithic’ artefacts found at Nedumala Cave
  15. Researchers find neolithic site
  16. Archaeological Team finds Megalithic Relics from Cave
  17. Prehistoric posthole sites unearthed in Palakkad

Few news reports found in internet

Over 100 news reports in almost all news Channels and articles with discussion ,sought statements related to socially relevant issues of Kerala. Few of the referances.

  1. Antiquarian Dr. V.Sanalkumar excavates at Nenmeni..( Video Gallary –Documentary Film and News Reports of Media One Channel- – ).
  2. Kerala- Palakkad- Pre-historic sites discovered at Kollengode (The Hindi reports)
  3. w.w.softt.net/article/221673-researchers-find-neolithic site—secrete history..sott net(15th January 2011 news report.
  4. Heritage Village at Kollengode(Call to set up heritage village at Kollengode)( w.w.w.newindianexpress.com/cities/thiruvananthapuram/articles…
  5. Remains suggests Neolithic settlements in river valleys-The Hindu (w.w.w. thehindu.com/todays paper..Published ) October 13, 2013.
  6. Taking apart a precious past in Palakkad, cist by cist- The Hindu (w.w.w. thehindu.com/todays—
  7. Call to set up heritage village at kollengode (w.w.w.newindianexpress.comMarch 1,2010 and updated May 16,2012.
  8. Archaeology centre proposes heritage project (w.w.w.the hindu.com
  9. Geo heritage archaeology research centre, Nenmeni, Kollengode, Palakkad
  10. V.sanalkumar’s archaeological discoveries, kollengode, palakkad.

Anti Corruption movements:

  1. Malabar Cements Saseendran case;
  2. Malabar Cements Kanjikkod,Palakkad Corruption cases (several news can be found both in English and Regional Language Malayalam in which my name has been quoted with statements for justice and fighting against corruption with the help of anti corruption movements

Geography Books written in Malayalam

(1) Knowledge of physical Geography

(2) . Human Geography

(3) India-People and Economy,

(4) Geography

(5) Fundaments of Physical Geography and India- Physical Environment

(6) Fundamentals of human Geography and India- People and Economy

(7) Social Science

(8) Cultural Geography (completed)

Presently engaged in writing the books on PhD thesis both in Malayalam and English languages, Palakkadan Culture, World Cultural Geography, World Ethnical Geography, World Social Geography, World Political Geography etc Also interested in writings of several Archaeology and Heritage related Books and Research papers.

Published Works in Research Journals/ Periodicals: Several research papers written and published in both Malayalam and English languages and presented in National and International seminars and workshops..

  1. Archaeology of Kollengode Region (Malayalam), Palakkad District, Kerala, V. Sanalkumar, The Journal of the Centre for Heritage Studies,   Vol 2, 2005, Hill Palace, Thrippunithura.
  2. Archaeological Findings at Palakkad District, – 2005-06, V. Sanalkumar, ADHARAM, A journal for Kerala Archaeology and history, 2006 Vol..I, School of social Sciences, M.G University.
  3. A Geographical Analysis of Ancient Venginadu Kingdom Region of Palakkad District, 2008, V. Sanalkumar, Unpublished PhD thesis submitted to the University of Mysore.
  4. Ancient Traditional Worship Systems at Palakkad District, . 2009, Kala Bhasha, The Art Journal, Palakkad.
  5. Archaeological background of Palakkad District, V.Sanalkumar, PALAKKAD- Place- Period- History, Vol I, 2011, District Tourism promotion Council, Palakkad .
  6. The Push and Pull Effects of Migration on the Ancient Settlement Site along the Gayathripuzha Valley of Palakkad district in Kerala State. V.Sanalkumar. 2012, Souvenir Abstract, International Conference on Population Dynamism and Sustainable Development, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

7.The Dimensions of Historical Writings, Dr. V.Sanalkumar, October 2012, Santham Magazine, Palakkad District.

  1. Heritage Status of Palakkad District, 2012, Kala Bhasha, The Art Journal, Palakkad, under printing.
  2. The Geographical Identity of the seat of Porainadu of ancient Tamizhakam (1000 B.C– 1000 A.D), Dr. V.Sanalkumar, 2012 The Konkan Geographer (Interdisciplinary Research Journal), Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, under printing.
  3. Where our Educational Steps Deviated?A well studied article publish in a School Smaranika- here described the Historical evolution of Indian Education System from Vedic to present periods and its present drawbacks.

11.The Vedic Somalatha Culture of Palakkad District– Article published in a book let as a part of DHARMA SOOYA YAGAM conducted on February 2014 by Varisthapuri Thapovarishtasramum, Palakkad.

10 Articles Publishing in every months about my Archaeological findings at Palakkad District, Kerala, (about 6 article have already published and another 50 articles will be publishing) in in Santham Magazine, Palakkad District. It will be publishing as Books also)

News Paper Features:

  1. Hundreds of news paper reports were published Such as Mount Abu- A Tourist Centre at the Sandy Desert; Nenmeni- Historical Foundation etc) about Mr.Sanalkumar related to Archaeological findings, Educational issues, anti corruption movements and tourism related issues.Few if them included in Through the Corridor of Time– A Compendium of Media Reports on the Archaeological Expeditions

Scripts, Research and Role for the Doordarshan Programmes:

  1. Written about 50 Scripts with acting or news interviews for the Electronics Medias related to archaeology, Geography, Culture, History, tourism, Social issues and educational problems for duration of Hours to 3 minutes programs between 1997 and 2012.
  2. National and State level Award Nomination for the Archaeology Documentary Film (English) “Venginadu Beckon “ with my script and acting as a Research Guide produced by Doordarshan Kendra, Thiruvananthapuram -Based on my Archaeological findings at Palakkad district and excavations conducted by the State Archaeology Department .
  3. Venginadinte Soorya Vamsa Smrithikal– Half an hour 3 Episode Archaeological Malayalam Documentary Film for the Doordharshan with Scripts, research and role by me 3. Sankara Samskriti- Philosophy of sankaracharya- Documentary Film
  4. About 10 culturally significant Documentary films of half an hour for the National Television Channel, Doordarshan, with Script and role.